The FDA’s Continued War On Vaping


We have quite a few vaping customers here at Smokers Heaven smoke and vape shop in Grapevine, and they are constantly asking us what the latest updates are with the FDA’s war on stopping vapers from having a choice in vape products. While we wouldn’t dare guess the reasoning or rationale of how the FDA makes decisions for market approval, we know that any vaping products that contain any flavor other than tobacco are in their crosshairs.

Smoke and Vape Shop Near Dallas, Irving, and Grapevine, TX


The problem with this idea is that most vapers don’t want to taste tobacco while vaping, as your humble blog writer can tell you, because it reminds them of smoking which, in our opinion, is way worse than vaping period. The fact that vape companies are expected to prove to the FDA how their product benefits public health is an absolute joke in that they seem to have no problem with allowing cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, rolling tobacco, and pipe tobacco to be widely available with little to no oversight other than collecting local and state taxes on them. Furthermore, flavored tobacco alternatives are available in local pharmacies in the form of chewing gum and lozenges, which have never been under the FDA’s scrutiny because, well, they tend to work. The same goes for vaping products that have helped millions of smokers kick cigarettes to the curb and stay smoke-free, which is why we at Smokers Heaven have to question the motives behind banning flavored vape products as they have clearly slowed the use of cigarettes in the US in recent years. In fact, cigarette smoking reached an all-time low for the first time since the 1950s, with smokers falling below 18% of the total US population, which means that smokers either quit or used non-tobacco alternatives to kick the habit, which you would think, would be good news for the FDA with fewer cases of lung cancer each year coinciding with fewer cigarette smokers. We are by no means saying that vaping is healthy, and we want our customers to know that most, if not all, vape products contain nicotine which is proven to be an addictive substance, but for smokers that genuinely want to quit and can’t do it cold turkey, vaping has been proven to help (including the guy writing this blog).

We will continue to monitor what the FDA does and when they do it so that, hopefully, our vaping customers know what and when to expect changes. In the meantime, stop by Smokers Heaven smoke and vape shop on Hall-Johnson Road in Grapevine for all of your vaping needs and more.

Smokers Heaven In Grapevine, TX

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